Thursday 23 April 2009

To photoshop or not?

This is an easy one for me. No. For me, my photos are a visual reminder of what I have seen whilst out and about and as near as possible have to be as true a representation as can be expected. Of course the camera can never replicate exactly what the eye sees, and if when I look at the image I feel the camera has for example overexposed an image, I will alter this to give the image the correct exposure from what I can remember of the conditions at the time. That and the occasional use of the black and white option are the only tools I use to tamper with an image.
I have heard the argument that using fast or slow shutter speeds to create an effect is no different from using manipulation software. For me this is not the case. When I take a picture using a slow shutter speed I am visualising how that picture will look just the same as if I am using a standard shutter speed. What I am not doing is taking a picture and then creating something that was never present in the first place. I am sure I am in the minority with regards to this subject but felt that on a photo blog , perhaps it was important to state where I lie on this particular issue!

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