Monday 27 April 2009

lifes on the beach!

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  1. Hi Ash, Once again wonderful photos! I hope you don't mind but I have mentioned your blog on my blog (The joy of living) because you inspired me to take a photo like your bee and foxglove one and it came out really well! I was so pleased with it I just had to put it on my blog, thank you so much for inspiring me! :oD I am now thinking about making my own wildlife photography blog because I have some lovely wildlife photos and you have given me a boost to show my photos to the world! hehe!

    Thanks again,

    Heather x

  2. Hi Heather. Thankyou for your kind comments.
    You should be pleased with the photos, they have come out really well. I think its a great idea to create a wildlife photo blog. If and when you do let me know so I can follow!
    Thankyou again.
